Case definition
Lower urinary tract infection (UTI)
3 of: Dysuria, frequency, urgency, polyuria, suprapubic tenderness, fever, flank pain, hematuria PLUS
Pregnancy OR
Dipstick positive
Upper UTI
Lower UTI PLUS fever, flank pain, or signs of systemic inflammatory response
Complicated UTI
Recurrent UTI (>2 in 6 months, >3 in 1 year), child, or male sex
Consider associated sexually transmitted infection for the following:
1. Vaginal/urethral discharge
2. Genital ulcer
3. Inguinal buboes
4. Scrotal swelling
Clinical management
Encourage fluids
Wiping front to back
Voiding pre and post-intercourse
Pharmacologic management
Lower UTI: Nitrofurantoin 100mg po bid x5 days
Upper and complicated UTI: Ciprofloxacin 500mg po bid x10 days
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