Country: Haiti

Length of Trip: 2 Weeks

Trips per Year to Latin America: Not available

Cost: Not available

Urban/Rural: Both

Type of Volunteer: Physician/mid-level provider, Healthcare-related trainee

Type of Organization: Secular NGO

Type of Clinic: Mobile or Informal Clinic


International Medical Corps' emergency response team works to minimize the loss of life and alleviate the suffering of disaster-affected populations across the globe. Our volunteer focus during this devastating time is the provision of life-saving emergency health services, primary health care, public health, and emergency nutrition.

International Medical Corps is looking for highly trained medical staff to add to our emergency response roster, which requires that volunteers be willing to deploy rapidly—usually within 72 hours—and for a duration of 2–8 weeks. (Preference is given to those able to deploy for longer durations.) In most instances, volunteers will be required to pay for their own flights, but will receive a food allowance for each day spent in the field, shared housing, and emergency medical evacuation insurance.

International Medical Corps was one of the first responders to Haiti’s cholera epidemic, rolling out a network of 10 cholera treatment centers that provided lifesaving cholera care and treatment services to more than 33,215 cholera patients. We also linked the cholera treatment centers to a network of 24 oral rehydration points and ran 4 mobile medical units. In addition, we reached 723,255 community members with cholera awareness and prevention messages. Today we continue to provide cholera treatment and prevention services in Southern Haiti.

Organizational Base: Los Angeles, California
