Country: Haiti

Length of Trip: 1 Week

Trips per Year to Latin America: 2

Cost: Not available

Urban/Rural: Both

Type of Volunteer: Physician/mid-level provider

Type of Organization: Faith Based

Type of Clinic: Mobile or Informal Clinic, Hospital Based Clinic


The Haiti Medical Mission Team was established at First Presbyterian Church in 1999 in cooperation with the Medical Benevolence Foundation, the largest and oldest of the Presbyterian Church (USA) General Assembly-validated mission support groups, to provide opportunities for members to carrry out Jesus Christ's commission to heal the sick. The Mission Team chose Haiti as its focus because Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, and its proximity to the U.S. makes travel relatively quick and inexpensive.

The Haiti Medical Mission's goal is not simply to deliver health care and related services, but also to empower and support Haitians to meet their own health care needs. Members have developed long-range, sustainable mission partnerships with the following organizations in Haiti:

Hopital Ste. Croix (Holy Cross Hospital), Leogane, Haiti
Faculte de Sciences Infirmieres de l'Universite Episcopale d'Haiti (School of Nursing, Episcopal University of Haiti), Leogane, Haiti
Pazapa Center for Handicapped Children (, Jacmel, Haiti

Organizational Base: Anne Arbor, Michigan

Other Programs: Surgery, women's health and education
