Country: Belize, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua

Length of Trip: 1 Week

Trips per Year to Latin America: Not available

Cost: Not available

Urban/Rural: Rural

Type of Volunteer: Physician/mid-level provider, Nurse, Dental

Type of Organization: Faith Based

Type of Clinic: Mobile or Informal Clinic, Standing Clinic, Hospital Based Clinic


Medical teams have some unique steps to complete in preparation for travel. Talk with your host about credentialing requirements in the country in which you will be serving; you might also speak with a travel clinic about these requirements, as difference countries require different methods of presenting credentials. Here are some general guidelines for credentialing, through it is very important that you discuss these matters with your host:

You will have to be cleared in some manner by an "official" body, usually the ministry of health.
Requirements most often are proof of graduation from your professional school, current licensure to practice and completion of certain forms.
Usually, nurses do not have to register for short-term work, but must work with a doctor or dentist.
In most countries, physician assistants and nurse practitioners have no special status. In practice, as long as there are doctors working directly with them, they can perform similarly to the way they function in the United States.
Malpractice in developing countries is not the problem that it is in the United States. If you have a concern, contact your personal insurer to see if you are covered. UMVIM's insurance does not cover malpractice provision.
Public Health Public health is a growing field in which UMVIM teams serve. Particularly in international contexts, public health teams serve to teach basic sanitation, disease prevention and health skills to groups who do not have regular access to care. Those participating in these projects need not necessarily be trained medical professionals, though the team leader will need to offer at least some "lay training" in public health before traveling. This a good opportunity to invite in a doctor or public health professional to train team members. Your host will know more about the requirements needed.

Organizational Base: Birmingham, Alabama
